中新网北京9月2日电 (蒋鲤)随着美国最后一名士兵从阿富汗撤离,8月30日夜,喀布尔响起了庆祝的枪声。20年过后,美国给阿富汗留下了什么? 据统计,20年间,阿富汗累计有3万多名平民被美军杀死或因美军带来的战乱而死亡;政府近75%的预算来自援助,经济发展主要依靠外国援助。 20年前,美国打着“反恐”旗号入侵阿富汗;如今,美军又以“结束漫长战争”为由,仓促撤离。混乱的机场,血腥的爆炸,让人们看到的是一个千疮百孔、危机四伏的阿富汗。 美军撤离时,谁最先上了飞机?谁被挡在机场外?当美国政府鼓吹这次撤离是多么迅速而成功时,他们是否注意到从美军飞机上坠落的两个阿富汗孩子? 喀布尔机场外8月26日发生的自杀式炸弹袭击事件,造成美军13人死亡,至少170名阿富汗平民死亡。然而,美国政府对死去的阿富汗平民只字不提。 这一切,都是“美国优先”政策主导下的必然结果。近期的如在疫情期间奉行“美国优先”,早前的如退出《巴黎协定》等,都是如此。 在持续20年的军事行动中,美军给阿富汗造成了巨大的生命和财产损失。阿富汗累计有3万多名平民被美军杀死或因美军带来的战乱而死亡,另有6万多名平民受伤,约1100万人沦为难民。 拜登一边高喊美国将尽己所能,以重建被其故意破坏的系统,一边表示他相信美国将帮助5万至6.5万阿富汗人撤离。然而,5万与1100万之间的鸿沟如何填补?阿富汗难民何去何从,其被战争吞噬的经济如何恢复?美国会为他们考虑吗? 美国用20年的时间掉入了一个令人讽刺的黑洞。不断失去盟友信任、失去人权高地、失去所谓“灯塔”地位,“美国优先”会再往前走吗?极端民族主义终将难以避免吗?时间终将给我们答案。 America First: what has the U.S. left Afghanistan after 20 years? By John Lee (ECNS) -- As the last American soldier left Hamid Karzai International Airport inKabul, Afghanistan on Monday, gunfire was heard in celebration of the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from the war-torn country. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan two decades ago under George W Bush's military campaign“War on Terror”, leaving nothing but a chaotic airport and bloody explosions in its wake. As some U.S. politicians trumpeted the successful evacuation, did they notice two Afghan children falling from a U.S. military plane? A suicide bombing outside Kabul airport on Sunday killed 13 U.S. soldiers and at least 170 Afghan civilians. The U.S. government, however, did not mention the Afghan civilian fatalities. All of this is the inevitable result of the "America First" policy, which has dominated the U.S. response to the global pandemic as well as its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement in 2017. Over the past 20 years, the U.S.-led operations on Afghan soil have caused more than 30,000 civilian deaths and more than 60,000 injuries, and turned about 11 million people into refugees. Nearly 10 million children in Afghanistan are left in desperate need of humanitarian aid, said Herve De Lys, the United Nations (UN) Children's Fund representative in Afghanistan. The U.S. President Joe Biden saidhis country would do everything it could to rebuild Afghanistan and help evacuate between 50,000 and 65,000 Afghans. However, Afghanistan has about 11 million refugees. Where do the rest go? Is it trying to ensure a good reputation without paying too much? As for the fate of Afghan refugees, along with the recovery of a war-torn economy, does America care? It is hard to tell. Spending 20 years in Afghanistan, the U.S. has had an ironic end. Following its "America First" path, the U.S. has lost the trust of its allies, as well as its so-called "beacon" status. Will the U.S. continue down the path of ultranationalism? Time will tell. |